During our Public Preview, Serverless Cloud is free to use and explore. We reserve the right to throttle or suspend accounts that are abusing the platform. If you are running an application that requires additional resources, please contact the Cloud team and we will work to accommodate your use case.
When Serverless Cloud becomes generally available, there will be three pricing tiers plus a limited FREE tier. Developer and Team tiers incorporate a generous FREE tier with pay-per-use pricing on usage that exceeds the FREE tier. Enterprise accounts will be available for organizations running large applications that require significant resources. Please see the pricing matrix below for more plan comparison.
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Serverless Cloud currently supports JavaScript and TypeScript.
Serverless Cloud is backed by bleeding edge services running on the world’s largest and most trusted Cloud Service Providers. Applications on Serverless Cloud can dynamically scale to meet the compute and bandwidth requirements of most applications right out of the box. For applications that require more than 2,000 requests/second, please contact Sales.
Additional limits include static asset storage of up to 500mb per application and Serverless Data supports up to 400kb per item.
Yes. Serverless Cloud supports custom domain names on our paid plans. During the Public Preview phase, custom domains will be available for all users.
Yes. Serverless Cloud works well with any Version Control System (like GitHub) and can be integrated into any CI/CD build system using Access Keys that can be generated via the Serverless Cloud dashboard.
Applications are deployed to Cloud Service Provider accounts maintained and controlled by Serverless Cloud. This allows us to maintain a high level of security, compliance, and performance to all applications deployed with our platform. If you are an Enterprise user interested in deploying Serverless Cloud applications to your own managed CSP accounts, please contact Sales for more information.
If you are interested in deploying your application to Kubernetes, please contact Sales for more information.